How Do I Get a golf handicap?

Being a member of Boldon Golf Club, which is affiliated to Durham County Golf Union & England Golf allows members to obtain a Handicap Index through the World Handicap System (WHS). Your England Golf Membership number (10 digits) will be allocated on joining the club. Register on the England Golf Website then download the MyEG App

To obtain a Handicap Index submit a minimum of 54 holes, played at Boldon G.C. to the club Competition Secretary / Club Manager. This can be a mixture of 9 holes and 18 holes, but three rounds of 18 is preferred. Our aim is to process the cards within two days. The MyEG App will show your WHS Index - Your "Course Handicap" is different and is contained within the App or refer to the conversion chart at the golf course you are playing.

One of the Terms & Conditions to enter Boldon's Club Competitions is to have three scores on your handicap record submitted in the previous 12 months. This can be competitive or casual rounds. Once an initial handicap index's has been calculated a further 3 scores of 18 holes are required to be added to the players HI before entering a club competition. Any queries on Handicapping or Competitions should be directed to Phil Scott (Comp & Handicap Secretary).

How do I add a non competition (General Play Score) to your handicap record ?

Pre-register the round :- This can be done on the My England Golf App, or by using the touch screen located in the foyer. Play and enjoy the round in accordance with the Rules of Golf

Enter the score using the computer in the foyer, or use the My England Golf App or ask the host club to enter the score on your behalf either onto the WHS™ platform or their club software. Members can enter social scores directly via the app by clicking on the ‘Enter Score’ function at the foot of the dashboard screen and following the step-by-step instructions.

Please note, when using the MyEG app to submit a social score the following details will be active In order to protect the integrity of the handicap system:

Geo-location technology will ensure pre-registering the intent to post a score can only be done in close proximity to the course where the round will take place. A time lag will be in operation from the point where intent to play a round is registered to the stage when a score can be accepted
A golfer’s score must be verified by someone who has witnessed the round. This attester, also needs to be registered user of the MyEG app, or return a physical scorecard for verification purposes. Hand your card in via the scorecard box under the computer screen.

Additional information on the World Handicap System is available by visiting the England Golf Website